
The AdLift Social Media Calendar 2023

Published Date: December 16, 2022
The AdLift Social Media Calendar 2023

Did you know that there is a ‘eat Ice-cream for breakfast day?’ or a ‘stay under a blanket all day’ day? (Okay, we made that one up!) Quirky days aside, the world of social media is dotted with observance days that range from Independence Day to … International Cat Day. While some of these days bring a smile to our faces, there are others that are used to create awareness about causes or highlight issues or are for commemoration. These social media days are an excellent (and fun) way to connect with your audience become a part of the movement, or maybe just help spread awareness. The trick is in picking the right days that align with your brand. So, if you are a brand that makes quilts, our fictional ‘stay under a blanket all day’ day would be ideal to create content around!

So, how does one get started? Its hard to cut through all that noise on social media. But worry not, that’s where we come in!

Presenting to you, the AdLift 2023 Social Media calendar! Now that we’ve got you sorted, all you have to is download or print and tick all the days you feel align with your brands objective. Its that simple.

The AdLift 2023 Social Media Calendar













We hope you enjoy planning your social media content with this calendar. In case you need a hand in planning your larger social media strategy, connect with us today! We would be more than happy to help.

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