
Best Ways to Use Long-Tail Keywords

Published Date: December 23, 2021
Best Ways to Use Long-Tail Keywords

User experience has never been more significant than today. In the year 2021, Google’s focus on intent and user experience made the use of long-tail keywords in content crucial.

A few years ago, identifying long-tail keywords with a low-search volume might have seemed like a waste of time and effort. But now we know, long-tail keywords provide an excellent opportunity to connect with potential customers.

So, if you don’t have a long-tail keyword SEO strategy, you’re missing out! If you’re still wondering what long-tail keywords are, this guide will tell you just that.

Read on to find answers about long-tail keywords – the key to conversions.

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

As the name suggests, long-tail keywords are longer and specific keywords that users are more likely to search. This is especially true when users are closer to the point of purchase.

Amajority of long-tail keywords have a low search volume as compared to short-tail keywords. This also means that they have low competition.

Businesseswishing to target a specific set of audiences can use long-tail keywords. For example, an average user would search for the keyword ‘shoe’. However, someone close to the buying stage will search for something more specific, ‘red shoes for women’ for example.

Long-tail keywords are easier to rank, and they help customers in finding a solution. These keywords have a low search volume, low competition, but a high conversion rate.

Benefits of Using Long-Tail Keywords

The traditional SEO advice has focused chiefly on short-tail keywords. These give you access to target a larger audience since they have a higher search volume. While ‘baking cookies’ may have a thousand daily searches, ‘how to bake cookies’ will only have a hundred.

However, there are some unique advantages of using long-tail keywords.

  • Long-tail keywords are descriptive and revealmore about a topic. So, while you may target a small pool of people, they are more likely to be interested
  • Long-tail keywords have less competition. This implies that you don’t require to fight for views
  • Since long-tail keywords are more targeted, they lead to more conversions
  • Such keywords are easy to find using Google Search Results and free tools

How Can You Find Long-Tail Keywords?

Ranking for the right keywords can sometimes be better than striking gold. Finding the most suitable long-tail keywords isn’t difficult, and you can create a substantial list in minutes.

You can benefit from Google’s Autocomplete and Related Search. For instance, if you type a short-tail keyword in the search bar, Google will show you a complete list of associated phrases used by people in their search.

For example, if you search for ‘pink shoes’ on Google, it will show you associated phrases like –

  • Pink shoes for women
  • Pink shoes for baby girl
  • Pink shoes branded

You can also look for more long-tail keywords on the ‘Related Searches’ feature at the bottom of the page. Both these are great ways to finding long-tail keywords. You can also use some other ways listed below.

Use Ubersuggest

Do not confuse Ubersuggest with Uber!

Ubersuggest is an effective tool used by businesses to improve content writing. It helps to discover long-tail keywords in seconds. Besides, you can get important details like Cost Per Click, Paid Difficulty, etc.

To find keywords using Ubersuggest, put in your main keyword and then click on ‘Keyword Ideas’. Ubersuggest will provide a list of long-tail keywords.

Use Ahrefs Site Explorer

Ahrefs Site Explorer is another tool to find long-tail keywords. To use the tool, go to its page. Next, type in the domain name of one of your competitors in the search bar.

Long-Tail Keywords

Go to the page’s left side and click on the ‘organic keywords’ tab. Apply the filters to get a list of long-tail keywords with low search volume.

What are the Best Ways to Use Long-Tail Keywords?

Now that you know what are long-tail keywords and how to find them, don’t you want to discover how to use them?

Long-tail keywords are primarily used to get organic traffic and conversions. Here are the best ways to use long-tail keywords in your SEO strategy.

Draft Long-Form Content

If you ask two content marketers about long-form content, you may get two different responses. One might say that long-form content is a gamble, given the miniscule attention span of the audience. But the other one will say that long-form content is a great way to engage readers.

However, long-form content that has around 2000 words can help you get a better ranking. It has better chances to keep the readers hooked and provide value.

Include Long-Tail Keywords in Meta Description and Headlines

Another way to use long-tail keywords is by incorporating them into meta descriptions and headlines.

Doing so will help your business rank higher, especially if the headlines and meta descriptions are interesting. It can also improve website traffic and engagement.

Make the Keywords Sound Natural

Long-tail keywords tend to sound unnatural when used in blog posts. Google can easily find if you are just slapping in a keyword, resulting in a penalty.

Make sure sentences flow naturally. Besides, your content should always sound like a conversation. The use of long-tail keywords must not seem deliberate but subtle.

Prevent Overuse

While incorporating long-tail keywords in the content sounds great, you must avoid overusing them.

Don’t overstuff your content with long-tail keywords and use them only where they belong.

Bottom Line

The competition is very high for popular keywords on search engines. It is only smart to focus on longer and more specific keywords. The set of audience you’ll be targeting would be smaller. However, you are likely to attract more people.

In case you’re looking to enhance conversions by using a long-tail keyword strategy, connect with us atAdLift. We are a premium digital marketing agencyto help you uplift your content marketing strategy using long-tail keywords.

Our team of professionals lets you focus on other tasks while we manage your ranking and traffic. Get in touch with our experts today by simply filling out a form; we’re all ears to your queries.

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