Author: Ashwani Kumar

Ever Wondered How Image Alt Text Helps SEO? We Got Your Answers!
Image alt text is a bit of a dark horse in the world of SEO. With images forming an integral part of most search engine result pages, image alt text...

Canonicalization for SEO: All you need to know
There’s a lot of duplicate content out there on the internet. Sometimes it’s intentional — low-quality content is sometimes used to score a nifty site ranking on search engines. Unfortunately,...

Optimizing Google Rich Snippets for Stronger SEO
Interesting name, isn't it? Rich snippets. Inviting, like someone sharing some juicy piece of information. You might have encountered the term thrown around in the context of SEO — and...

The Why & How of Internal linking for SEO
Picture this: You have written a great blog with all the relevant keywords, pictures, alt tags, and whatnot. Then, you post it on the relevant platform. But lo! it doesn't...

Want More Link Juice for Your Website? Here’s How to Get It
There is no denying that Search Engine Optimization is an essential digital marketing tool. Simply put, effective SEO makes your website more visible, which means more traffic and thereby brings...

How to perform a SEO SWOT Analysis
If you are a modern business owner, you must be aware that content is a treasure trove of solutions when it comes to online business promotion. In fact, it’s not...

The Beginner’s Handbook to Robot txt
The robots.txt is the only file where its size doesn't matter! It may be tiny, but it has big implications for your website and can impact your ranking considerably. Understanding...

Want to Secure Your Website? Here’s How HTTPS Can Help
Security has always been a concerning issue, whether it is your home or data transfer between a user's web browser and a web server. Of course, you can hire a...

Google Business Profile: What Does It Mean?
Let’s go a little back in time to the era when the internet wasn’t as mainstream as it is today. But marketing today is a totally different ballgame! We have...

Here’s How You Can Make Domain Rating Work for You!
Have you recently launched your website and burned the midnight oil to organically increase its reach among audiences? We understand how hard it is to compete with millions of established...

White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO: What Do These Terms Mean?
White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO – all have a very spy v/s spy feel, don't they? Terms that have been co-opted by the SEO folks from old movies...