
6 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Do Keyword Research if You’re a Newbie

Published Date: February 17, 2022
6 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Do Keyword Research if You’re a Newbie

What is Keyword Research?

Most probably, this is what you typed and landed up here reading this article. While this the quickest way to get answers to our most important questions (and sometimes not-so-important!), we’ve never really paused to think of how we got such relevant answers, right?

Well, it’s the words that you enter in the search bar that make it easy to find things over the Internet. These terms are known as keywords and play an integral role in search engine optimization.

If you want people to find your brand as easily as you found this page, it’s important to spend some time in keyword research.

This guide is for everyone who doesn’t know how to do keyword research or finds the process daunting. We’ll make things easier for you by telling you about some interesting ways to search for the top keywords people search for.

Let’sGet Down to the Basics: What is Keyword Research?

As the name suggests, keyword research means researching keywords. It is defined as the process of understanding the language used by your target audience. Then, you analyze, compare and prioritize the keywords as per their search volume.

A keyword can be a single term or a thread of words. For example, ‘pink shoes’is a keyword. Similarly, ‘pink shoes for women’is a keyword.

Is it Really Important?

If you are an SEO beginner, you may doubt the importance of keyword research.

But if you want to get noticed, forming a keyword strategy is crucial.

Did You Know? 

60.67% of all searches result from 0.16% of the most popular keywords.

It’s obvious that using the best and most relevant keywords can help you reach a wider audience and get more eyeballs foryour brand.

Ridiculously Easy Ways to Do Keyword Research

Think, Brainstorm and Form a List

Having a smart team can do wonders!

Get the gang together and brainstorm some terms related to your industry. The best way to do it is to think of the terms you’ll probably search for when looking for something on Google.

You can also plan a brainstorming session with the stakeholders to get their insights.

Snoop on the Competitors

Looking at what your competitors are doing not only saves time but also helps catch the traffic easily.

But first, you need to find your competitors. So, if you sell dresses for women, you’ll find more competitors for this term. Remember, big brands like eBay and Amazon are not the competitors to look out for. You need to notice the brands that look like yours.

Once you have a list of competitors, place the website link in a competitive intelligence tool. This way, you’ll find the top keywords.

Leverage the Power of Tools

While you can brainstorm  and understand what your competitors are doing, there’s a chance that you are missing out on important terms.

Keyword research tools are an easy way to find top ranking keywords. You put in a seed keyword, and the tool presents keywords ideas.

If you don’t know about keyword research tools, you can always start with Google Keyword Planner. There are several other tools you can use to find top ranking terms.

Don’t Miss the ‘People Also Ask’ Section

If we haven’t told you this before, keywords can also be in the form of questions. The best way to find such keywords is to look for the ‘people also ask’section on search engine result pages.

This has to be one of the best keyword research tips, as it allows you to find even more questions by clicking on one question. You can build content around these questions and also use them as keywords.

Look Deeper into Your Niche

Keyword research is all about finding keywords related to your niche. But this also restricts you to some point. This is because the keywords you find through the ways mentioned above are limited to the seed keyword.  However, you also need long-tail keywords.

You can solve the issue by looking deeper into your niche. Browse Q&A sites, groups and forums to understand what your customers are looking for.

Benefit from Google Suggest

Google is BAE. We mean it.

If you’ve a small business and don’t want to spend much on keyword research, you can benefit from Google Suggest.

It pops up when you type something in the search bar. You immediately get a drop-down of similar terms. For example, if you search for the term’ digital marketing’, you’ll get a list of potential similar key terms.

Wondering why this method is popular? This is because it allows you to get the insights that Google picked up while learning consumer behaviour.

Benefit from Google Suggest 

Final Thoughts

The above-mentioned ways will help you go beyond the traditional ways of keyword research. These are not just easy but fun methods to have a treasure of top-ranking keywords.

But keyword research is not the end of the game. Consider it a part of the puzzle. Several other factors affect the ranking of your website. For this reason, you must consider partnering with an SEO agency that can help put all the parts of the puzzle together.

If you are planning to collaborate with one, consider getting in touch with AdLift. We are the SEO puzzle solvers, and we’ll help you put all the parts in place. Visit our website and explore our services today!

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