
The Impact of SEO on Customer Acquisition Costs: Insights from AdLift’s Research

Published Date: January 26, 2024
The Impact of SEO on Customer Acquisition Costs: Insights from AdLift’s Research


In the constantly evolving digital marketing landscape, businesses continually seek effective strategies to reduce customer acquisition costs (CAC) while maximizing their reach. AdLift conducted an extensive analysis of 80 websites varying in size and traffic volume to understand the interplay between organic search (SEO) and paid search. This research provides crucial insights into how a balanced approach between these two strategies can significantly impact CAC.

Analyzing the Data: SEO vs. Paid Search

AdLift’s research encompassed websites that drove between 10,000 to one million monthly sessions. We aimed to provide a precise, comparative analysis by examining both SEO and paid search efforts. The unique aspect of this study is the apples-to-apples comparison, analyzing sessions derived from the same search engine but through different channels—one organic (SEO) and the other paid.

Key Findings: Correlation Between Paid Search and SEO

The analysis revealed a strong correlation between the proportion of traffic driven by SEO relative to paid search and the reduction in CAC. Here are the core findings:

  1. Low SEO Traffic Relative to Paid Search: When the SEO traffic constituted about 25% of the paid search traffic, businesses observed a 15-30% reduction in CAC. For instance, if a website received 100 clicks from paid search and 25 from SEO, the overall CAC decreased significantly.
  2. Moderate SEO Traffic Relative to Paid Search: As the SEO traffic increased to 50% of the paid search traffic, the reduction in CAC became even more pronounced, ranging from 30% to 40%. In this scenario, the cost savings were substantial if a website garnered 50 clicks from SEO compared to 100 from paid search.
  3. High SEO Traffic Relative to Paid Search: The most notable findings emerged when SEO traffic equaled or surpassed paid search traffic. Websites where SEO traffic constituted 100% or more of paid search traffic experienced a reduction in CAC by over 60%. This indicates that an effective SEO strategy drives substantial traffic and significantly lowers acquisition costs.

Implications for Digital Marketing Strategies

These findings underscore the importance of integrating a robust SEO strategy with paid search efforts. Here are some actionable insights for businesses:

  1. Invest in SEO: Prioritizing SEO can lead to long-term benefits. The study shows that increasing organic traffic relative to paid traffic can drastically reduce CAC. This involves optimizing website content, improving site architecture, and earning high-quality backlinks.
  2. Balanced Approach: A well-rounded approach that balances SEO and paid search ensures that while immediate traffic needs are met through paid channels, long-term sustainability is achieved through organic growth. This not only diversifies traffic sources but also maximizes ROI.
  3. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: The digital landscape is dynamic, requiring continuous SEO and paid search performance monitoring. Regular analysis and adjustments ensure that strategies remain effective and aligned with business goals.


AdLift’s comprehensive analysis highlights the significant impact of a well-executed SEO strategy on reducing customer acquisition costs. Businesses can achieve more efficient marketing outcomes by understanding and leveraging the relationship between SEO and paid search. As digital marketing continues to evolve, integrating these insights will be crucial for businesses aiming to optimize their online presence and drive cost-effective growth.

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