Our Blog

October 1, 2018

Grow Your Website Traffic with Infographics

What are Infographics? Today infographics have become one of the most effective marketing tools to boost audience engagement. A human brain can grasp visual content 60,000 times quicker than text...

October 1, 2018

What Is Schema and Why is it Important In SEO?

What is Schema: Schema markup is a form of microdata that is found at Schema.org. Once it is added to a webpage, it creates a rich snippet which appears in...

October 1, 2018

Native Advertising Vs. Content Marketing – What You Need to Know?

The digital marketing community has been buzzing with a dilemma on Native Advertising and Content Marketing. Though both of them share some similarities, they are poles apart in practicality. In...

October 1, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About SEO and Content Optimization

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a route to get your website at the top of any search engine. SEO flourishes and ends with the quality of the content. To...

September 28, 2018

How Digital Advertising Agencies are Using Content Marketing in SEO Strategy?

Over the past few years, Digital Advertising Agencies have witnessed an exponential growth in their business; thanks to the increasing use of the internet. Almost every brand and organization are...

September 26, 2018

Understanding the Difference Between Bounce & Exit Rate

We have spent much time in comprehending the bounce rate metric, and its impact on web pages and a website as a whole. However, Google Analytics has another critical metric...

September 25, 2018

Missing Out on Potential Leads? Mobile App Marketing Should be Your Target

Coming up with a brand-new idea for a business app is easy. The tough part is to promote and market it in a way that the app reaches its target...

September 25, 2018

The Complete SEO Checklist for New Website in 2018

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is among the most critical processes to rank any website on SERP. If you are looking for an SEO checklist to follow and optimise your website...

September 21, 2018

How Google Business Listing Helps in SEO – Its Benefits and Updates

A few decades back, when the internet was still finding its place in the world, businesses relied on local directories to list their contact details. These local directories were the...

September 21, 2018

How to Perfectly Optimize Your Content for SEO

Google has confirmed that 'content' is among its top three ranking factors, but what really makes good content from an SEO perspective? Effective content marketing is one of the strong...

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